Thank you Amber - I comletely forgot about my adventurous trip to Walmart!
Monday (I think) Brayden, Emma & I went to Walmart. I normally avoid that place with the kids if Patrick's not with us, but Emma was running extremely low on diapers. I had no choice but to brave it alone...... They did very well to begin with, then like most kids, the last few minutes were chaotic. Brayden was having a minor melt down wanting to eat a banana. I explained to him they had to be weighed when we pay for them. Do you really thinka 3 year old cares about paying for the banana...uh, no. We finally check out & I gave him 1, well then Emma decides she needs 1 too. Picture if you will.....I'm trying to make Emma sit down so that I can push the shopping cart to the car. She turning around having a fit because Brayden is eating a banana & she has nothing. My phone rings....Amber always seems to know just the right time to call ;) So now I'm on the phone, pushing the cart, trying to make Emma sit down while she's having fit for the banana. I put the kids in the car & ask Brayden to share his banana with his sister. I put the groceries in the car & go to buckle Brayden in his car seat when I notice that he only has on 1 flip flop! Well, as far as I was concerened that was the end of those shoes...there was no way I was going back in to find it... Then he says "Oh, Mommy, there it is!" it was by the car parked beside us. I pick up the shoe & put it in the car, not really paying much attention to little Miss Emma.... I get in , back up & look in my rear view mirror & notice that Brayden has given Emma the banana & she was trying to eat the peel.... She had banana all over her & her car seat! So if anyone ever gets a phone call from me asking you to babysit so I can go to Walmart...I'm not kidding!!
Ringing in the New Year-Disney Style!
5 years ago
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