Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Just rambling

The rest of my day is going to be a little busy. I am leaving work at 12:30, just the same as I do every Monday & Tuesday. Today my cousin has decided that she wants to come over & spend the afternoon with us. She is 11 and she likes to come over & play with the kids. They enjoy her company as well. This works out great for me because I have to go home & finish packing for our trip to Tallahassee for a visit with my in-laws. My cousin is a big help & entertains the kiddos very well! My mom & sister are both coming into town today so I want to be able to spend time with them before we make our road trip at 7:00 tonight. That's right....that will put us getting to Tallahasse around 1 am.......2 am FL time! Hubby & I decided to go ahead & leave tonight when he gets off work rather than wake the kids up at 3 or 4 am tomorrow morning to leave town. The plan is for them to sleep in the car on the way down. I know that doesnt sound very comfy, but we'll make it work. We will be back home Friday in time to watch the Tide Roll! My dad & stepmom are going to the Sugar Bowl as well as my stepbrother who, of course, will be cheering!
Please pray for safe trips.....for us traveling to FL and back, for my mom traveling here from Robertsdale & back home, for my sister/niece/nephew traveling from Hartselle and then home, & for my dad, stepmom & brother traveling to & from New Orleans!
I hope everyone has a blessed 2009!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Lovin' my hubby!

I am so loving my hubby right now. He bought me a new diamond wedding ring. The ring I have now is my Mawmaw's so I really love it for sentimental reasons, but I've always wanted a white gold set.
When I opened the gift the conversataion went as follows:
me: "WOW! THANK YOU!!"
hubby: "Is that the 1 you wanted?"
me: "YES!.....but I don't have a band to go with it" (my other set is yellow gold)
hubby: "Can't you wear it with your other band?"
me: "Honey, you can't put a white gold engagement ring with a yellow gold wedding band"
hubby:" Well...... maybe you can get that next year."
So while I'm loving my new wedding ring it has been temporarily placed on my right ring finger until I can get a band to match.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Very Merry Christmas!

We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
I really don't have time to be blogging right now, but I'm doing it anyway... I just finished icing a cake for a big family get together at my church tonight. We're talking great aunts/uncles, cousins, ...the works. I love getting together & catching up with everyone! The men of the family usually play Dominos the entire evening, they only stop to eat ;). This is our first Christmas without my Pawpaw so it will be really sad to see all of the men playing dominos & my Pawpaw not being there with them. I've been so busy this week, I've hardly had time to really think about it, but I know it will hit me hard tonight....
We had a pretty busy day yesterday. I started cooking/cleaning at 7 yesterday morning & didn't go to bed until 12:30 this morning. We went to my uncles house at 1:00 yesterday, where we had a great time. I took some really good pics, but thanks to my hubby they are now deleted off of my camera...I have no idea what he was trying to do! We got back home around 3:00, Patrick gave Emma a nap while I ran to the Dollar General for more wrapping paper. When I got home I started cooking again to get ready for my dad, stepmom & brothers. When I got back Patrick left to go get Brayden from my moms (he went home with her from my uncles). While I'm cooking & trying to play with miss Emma I get a phone call from my stepmom telling me we're under a tornado warning....WHAT?! I am such a paranoid freak about bad weather. I'll be the 1st 1 to the closet looking for a helment to put on ;) So I turn on the news & realize that it's no where near us & go back to cooking. We ate then opened gifts, made cookies for Santa, watched tv & hubby & I finally got in the bed.. Only to get up this morning with another day just as busy....I need go get the kids up from a nap so we can get ready for my mother-in-laws...I will post some pics from today later if my doesnt delete those as well......

Friday, December 19, 2008

Celebrating CHRISTmas!

Ok, so it really bothers me when people say "Have a nice Holiday" rather than "Merry Christmas". Businesses do this so they wont offend anyone. Let's think about this for a reality only Christians should be celebrating Christmas. After all, Christmas is about the birth of CHRIST! It's ok for all of the non-Christians who get so offended to take a few days off of work when this time of year rolls around. If they don't believe in what Christmas is all about shouldn't they just go to work like any other day? While I'm on my soap also annoys the stew out of me when I see's not xmas, it's CHRISTMAS!!!! You got that?? C-H-R-I-S-T-mas. ok...I think I've got it all out of my system :)

More shopping to do

Hubby, the kids & I did about half of our shopping last. We have a babbysitter for tonight so we can finish up. We have found a little drum set that I want to get Brayden...I hope I don't regret it... I should probably buy some ear plugs while I'm out. I am not really looking foward to getting out with the other billion people who will be out tonight, but a date will certainly be nice. For those of you who may not know, Patrick & I very rarely go out by ourselves. We usually limit our outings to our anniversary & Valentine's Day & that's about it.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

How many shopping days left?!

Let me start off by saying that I have only bought 1! I just cannot get fully into the Christmas mood this year. Don't worry, I plan on starting my shopping today & hopefully hubby & I will find a babysitter for tomorrow night so we can finish up. It looks like my weekend will be spent wrapping presents.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tomorrow is the big day

Brayden is having his tonsils and adenoids taken out tomorrow. He has been so funny about it. He keeps telling everyone that he has to do surgery. My mom is in town for the procedure & she asked him if he was going to stay with her & he said "Mawmaw I can't...actually, I have to do surgery. I'm having my tonsils taken out". I am, of course, a nervous wreck thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong. It's a fairly minor procedure that people have done everyday, but to a mom it may as well be open heart surgery. Please pray for Brayden a speedy recovery & for my sanity!

My sweet son...

My 3 year old says some of the most random things....
Monday I decided that I would brave the cold weather and take the kids to the Christmas parade. I was running a little last as usual. I told Brayden to get in his car seat while I buckled in Emma. I apparently forgot to then buckle him. We had just pulled out of our neighborhood & Brayden said "Mommy, you didn't buckle me." I pulled over to buckle him & the conversation went as follows:
Bray: "Who made you Mommy?"
Me: "Who made me Mommy?"
Bray: "Yes"
Me: "You did"
Bray: "How did I make you Mommy?"
Me: "When you were born I became your Mommy"
Bray: "Well....who made me?"
Me: "God"
Bray: in such a sweet little voice "Mommy, your very smart!"

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Just had to share...

I just received this e-mail & I just couldn't resist passing it along
Can you tell I'm NOT an Obama suppoter???

As the CFO of this business that employees 140 people, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barrack Obama is our next President, and that our taxes and government fees will increase in a BIG way. To compensate for these increases, I figure that the clients will have to see an increase in our fees to them of about 8% but since we cannot increase our fees right now due to the dismal state of our economy, we will have to lay off six of our employees instead. This has really been eating at me for a while, as we believe we are family here and I didn't know how to choose who will have to go. So, this is what I did. I strolled thru our parking lot and found 8 Obama bumper stickers on our employees' cars and have decided these folks will be the first to be laid off. I can't think of a more fair way to approach this problem.
These folks wanted change; I gave it to them.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Why can't I have a relatively normal one?....or maybe I do, I think all families are somewhat psychotic.......Ok, Thanksgiving went about as well as expected. I went to my mother-in-laws for lunch then went home with Brayden & Emma while my hubby stayed to visit some more. While on the way home my grandmother called me, during the converstation I said "We're still eating around 5:00, right?" She said "No, 4:00" What? It's at my house & nobody thought it was important to inform the host that people were going to be at my house an hour earlier than expected... So, I rush home try unsuccessfully to get my children to take a nap, start picking up toys/clothes, vacuum, clean the kitchen, start cooking, clean the kitchen some more, etc. Needless to say I was exhausted when my company arrived. It was my moms side of the family, however, she lives in South AL and had surgery the previous week so she didnt make the trip. I invited my dad, stepmom & brothers to eat with us. My youngest brother brought his girlfriend. Keep in mind that we really like this girl & hope she hangs around :) We go to church with her & Brayden says shes his girlfriend. Well, the evening started out smoothly and I hoped that it would continue on that same path... That dream was quickly shot down.....I guess it's true ~ all good things must come to an end. Apparently my cousins little boy said an ugly word - and it was a biggie! Patrick told me what he said & my aunt overheard. So she yells "He said WHAT!" Then she says "We'll they only repeat what they hear" Which is so true! That turns into my cousin & his wife getting defensive because of course he didn't hear it from either of them, when we all knew that he probably has heard it from both of them. They get huffy and leave, but not before my cousins belts out "I'm gonna take him home & beat the hell out of him" I wanted so badly to say "Somebody needs to beat the hell out of you, because thats exactly where your headed!" I was so embarrassed, not only were my dad, stepmom & brothers there, but this poor girl that we like so much now thinks that 1 side of my family is completely nuts! I appologized to her several times & told my stepbrother to be sure & tell her that he is not related to those people in any way ;) I am so looking foward to the Christmas get together!

Finally, a real doctor...

I am so aggravated at my pediatrician!! I am seriously going to change peds! Brayden has had trouble breathing while he's asleep for a while now. He also has had trouble with his tonsils. He's had strep a few times & his tonsils are rather large. Anytime I mention this to the ped she always says it's fine. No, it's not fine! A 3 year old shouldnt snore so loud that it's hard to get any sleep. He also shouldn't toss & turn all night & wake himself up jerking because he can't breath. I finally had enough & made a vist to North River ENT. We saw Dr. Shields, who actually listened to what I was telling him & then he looked in his throat for about 2 seconds & said "His tonils are too big! He needs to have his tonsils & his adenoids taken out." I am so upset that the ped dismissed it when I asked her about it. We could have solved this problem months ago rather than letting it get worse. So, Brayden will be having his surgery on Dec. 11th. I am not sure what time yet. We will go back to meet with Dr. Shields next Wed (10th) & find out all the details. Also, I am now looking for a new pediatrician if anyone has any suggestions.

Monday, November 24, 2008

10 years ago today...

Today is a sad day for me. My wonderful Mawmaw passed away after a tough battle with cancer on November 24, 1998. It has been 1o years and I still miss her like crazy. I think about her every day. I wish that my husband could have meet her and I know that she would have my children so spoiled I wouldn't be able to stand it :) Sometime when I am playing with them I find myself thinking about how she would have enjoyed them. She was a wonderful lady & a faithful Christian. This Thanksgiving will be really hard for my family. My Pawpaw passed away suddenly from a heart attack on August 13. I feel so blessed to have had such wonderful Godly grandparents. I am am thankful for all the love and support that they always gave me.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanks for the advanced notice..

Well, it looks like my plans to have a somewhat relaxing Friday evening have been scratched. I asked my dad on Tuesday if he wanted to check with my uncle & if the had any plans for tomorrow & we could all get together at my house if they wanted to. My Pawpaw passed away in August & my Mawmaw passed away 10 years ago on the 24th. My Uncle has decided to take a break & go to the beach & I never seem to have time to spend with my dad on Thanksgiving so I thought it would be nice for us to get together tomorrow while no one was too busy. Well, like I said I asked my dad Tuesday & heard nothing else about it so I never really made any plans. Well I called my dad to see if hubby could borrow his drill to hang some blinds. During the conversation he informs me that he has talked to my uncle & they have no plans for tomorrow so they can all come over. WHAT?! Thanks for the notice! So now I am going home to finish painting my living room, clean my enitre house.....bathrooms, dust, vac, mop...the works. It also looks like I will be making a trip to the grocery store as well. In my dads defense he has been on midnights (11p-7a) all week so he's been tired & he said that he had forgotten about it until this morning.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Guardian Angel?

Brayden, like most kids, has a wonderful imagination. He usually "plays" with my nephew - he lives in North AL. He pushes the clothes hamper around & says he's pushing Andrew in it;) He started talking about "Jessiny" about a month or so ago. I never thought much about it because we have a girl a church named Chasity so I thought he was talking about her. Well yesterday at his Pawpaw & Nana's he was talking about her. The conversation went somewhat as follows:
Nana: "Brayden, who is Jessiny?"
Brayden: "She's my friend"
Pawpaw: "Is it a she or he?"
Brayden: "She's a girl"
Nana: " Do you know her from church?"
Brayden: "No, I know her from Heaven......when I'm at your house she watches me in the kitchen and when I'm at my house she watches me in my bedroom"
Does he have a Guardian Angel?
I just talked to him on the phone & asked about her....
Mommy: "Have you played with Jessiny today?
Brayden: "No, she's at school"
Mommy: "Oh, she had to go to big school"
Brayden: "Yeah, she's little like me, but she had to go to school"
Now, Keep in mind that we don't know anyone named "Jessiny". I have never even heard that name on tv or anywhere else.....

Someone needs a good old fashion butt whippin'!

And I want to be the 1 to give it to 'em!!! Ok, so I walk out my front door yesterday morning to take the kids to my dads so that I can go back to the hospital with hubby. I glance over at my car at & see what appears to be a dent. I think to my self.....'You have got to be kidding me! Its must just be a shadow or reflection or something'......Oh no my friends, it is a for real dent! It appears that someone has hit my car with a brick! Seriously!!! I don't know if they were trying to break out my window, missed & instead hit the car & then just left or if this person/persons just felt like chunking a brick at something. Did someones mamma not teach them how to behave? Did she not teach them that you don't vandalize someone elses property?? Did she not whip them enough?? too much? Well, if she whipped them at all it apparently did no good! If I ever, by some small miracle, find out who did it.....Woohoo, look out!!!! It isn't fair to me to have to spend my money that hubby & I work to earn to have it repaired because someone didn't want to do their job as a parent & teach their child to respect other peoples things!

Week didn't start out so well..

We did not have a good start to our week. Sunday night when Patrick got home from work he started complaing of chest pain. He did not want to go to the ER so he waited until Monday morning & went to Med Express....where they sent him to the ER. I left work around 12:00 Monday & off the the DCH we went. We got back in a room pretty quick, but waited forever to see a doctor. Long story short...she came in & said that 1 of the test came back & she was worried that he may have a blood clot in his lung. Then we learned that he would get to spend a the night. O what joy! Just what he's always wanted.....a night in a germy hospital on those o so comfy beds with gormet meals & all the jello you can eat! Patrick has needlephobia (fear of needles) & it was interesting to watch a grown man make those faces anytime a nurse came in with a needle in hand. The doctor came back in yesterday around 12:00 & told us that all additional tests looked fine & he could go home shortly. That was at 12:00 & he did not leave until 5:00!!! Should it really take 5 HOURS to check someone out of the hospital??? Oh, & we still don't know why his chest has been hurting....... Don't you just love hopsitals??? You don't know anymore when you leave than you did when you got there.....Thank goodness for Blue Cross/Blue Shield!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Caution: Obama supporters may be offended

I received the following in an e-mail today. It made me giggle so I though I'd pass it along. I am definitely one of the 56 million!!!

Barrack Obama, Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey were flying on Obama's private plane. Obama looked at Oprah, chuckled and said, 'You know, I could throw a $1,000 bill out of the window right now and make somebody very happy.' Oprah shrugged her shoulders and replied, 'I could throw ten $100 bills out of the window and make ten people very happy. Michelle added, 'That being the case, I could throw one hundred $10 bills out of the window and make a hundred people very happy.' Hearing their exchange, the pilot rolled his eyes and said to his> co-pilot, 'Such big-shots back there. I could throw all of them out of the window and make 56 million people very happy. 'If you're one of those 56 million, pass this on!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sharing the cooties...

Will everyone at my house ever get well? Brayden has been sick for about 2 weeks. Emma has been sick for about a week & now......I have a cold! Usually when I catch cooties along with the kids we will all swap it around for the next 2 months! Seriously.....I still have boxes to unpack, rooms to organize, a living room to paint, pictures to hang & 2 sick kids to take care of...I don't have time to be sick! I have family coming over for Thnksgiving dinner (which in only 3 weeks away! Where has the time gone???) & I really want to have my house looking like a home by then.... Hopefully this germ episode wont last long.
On a side note:
Please pray for my brother-in-law, Ronnie. He has cancer (lymphoma) & now is in the hospital with pneumonia.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thank goodness yesterday is over....

We had a very eventful day yesterday! I took little miss Emma to the pediatrician yesterday morning while Patrick & Brayden satyed home to await the arrival of of the service man to install our Direct TV. I called Patrick when we got done at the peds office to tell him that Emma has a sinus infection & strep throat. It's not very common for children her age to get strep, but Brayden had it last week, so the ped said thats probably where she got it. I told Patrick I was going by CVS to drop off her prescription. Then he told me about his morning while Emma & I were gone. Patrick said that he was in the house & heard the service man scream. He said the he ran outside & the the man was coming down out of the attic with blood pouring down his arm. He had somehow cut his arm pretty deep. He told Patrick to call an ambulance. The paramedices came & took the man to the hospital. the only update that we had was that he was having surgery to repair the muscle in his upper arm. The sent another guy (very brave) to finish our installation. He arrived at our house around 12:30 & finished around 5:30 or so with no injuries.
I guess I should be a sign to post in my fron yard that says "Danger Zone"......

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lovin' the new house!

After a long & very stressful couple of days last week.....we are finally in our new house! We still have several boxes to unpack. Well, I say we, but really I should have said "I". You know how men are....... they spend 1, maybe 2 days moving things & then they are done. Leaving us to unpack everything & put it in it's place. Which of course takes weeks or even months to get everything "just right". This week I hope to get my living room painted & some pictures up so it will start looking more like a home.
I was a little nervous about moving. I didn't know if we would have nice neighbors or if there would be other kids for Brayden & Emma to play with....... It turns out I already know quite a few people in the neighborhood.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We're moving!

Our offer was approved!!!! We should be moving the end of the week or possibly next week. I am soooo excited! I will post some pic of the new house when we get moved in....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Possibly getting the kids a puppy for Christmas...

Patrick & I (well more me than Patrick) are are somewhat thinking about getting the kids a puppy for Christmas. Still not real sure about it though....we're just thinking.
It of course has to be a dog that will be good with small children. I would love to have a chocolate lab or a golden retriever. If anyone knows of someone who breeds either type of dog & has them for a reasonable price, please let me know. Thanks!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

More pics of Emma's 1st hair cut

Emma's 1st hair cut

Today my sweet baby got her 1st hair cut. She did a great job. She didn't cry a bit. She just sat there like a big girl while she was getting pampered ;)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008's the deal with the house...

It look like we will be moving in the next month or so. It's a little complicated... The seller is 2 months behind on payments & they owe more than we offered. This is how it will work. Rather than the house being forclosed on we will send our offer to the bank & see if they will take the amount that we are offering. Since the only option is that or they have to forclose there is really no reason that they wouldn't approve it.... I will keep everyone updated!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Made an offer....

Patrick & I made an offer on a house Saturday. We really like the house & the neighborhood. We should find out today if they have accpeted our offer. Please say a prayer for us....we really want this house! I will let everyone know as soon as I find out.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Trey!

Today is my brother's birthday. He is 23. It's hard to believe...he was 7 & I was 11 when my dad & his mom got married. I have had the prvilige of knowing him for 15 years now! He is a great brother & friend & a wonderful uncle! I am very proud of him & all that he has accomplished. He cheers at Bama so to Brayden he may as well have hung the moon ;)
We love you Trey! Happy Birthday!
Roll Tide!

ah...the joys of taking small children to Walmart..

Thank you Amber - I comletely forgot about my adventurous trip to Walmart!
Monday (I think) Brayden, Emma & I went to Walmart. I normally avoid that place with the kids if Patrick's not with us, but Emma was running extremely low on diapers. I had no choice but to brave it alone...... They did very well to begin with, then like most kids, the last few minutes were chaotic. Brayden was having a minor melt down wanting to eat a banana. I explained to him they had to be weighed when we pay for them. Do you really thinka 3 year old cares about paying for the banana...uh, no. We finally check out & I gave him 1, well then Emma decides she needs 1 too. Picture if you will.....I'm trying to make Emma sit down so that I can push the shopping cart to the car. She turning around having a fit because Brayden is eating a banana & she has nothing. My phone rings....Amber always seems to know just the right time to call ;) So now I'm on the phone, pushing the cart, trying to make Emma sit down while she's having fit for the banana. I put the kids in the car & ask Brayden to share his banana with his sister. I put the groceries in the car & go to buckle Brayden in his car seat when I notice that he only has on 1 flip flop! Well, as far as I was concerened that was the end of those shoes...there was no way I was going back in to find it... Then he says "Oh, Mommy, there it is!" it was by the car parked beside us. I pick up the shoe & put it in the car, not really paying much attention to little Miss Emma.... I get in , back up & look in my rear view mirror & notice that Brayden has given Emma the banana & she was trying to eat the peel.... She had banana all over her & her car seat! So if anyone ever gets a phone call from me asking you to babysit so I can go to Walmart...I'm not kidding!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Much of nothing.....

I still don't have anything overly exciting to blog about....sorry Amber ;)
This week has been pretty calm. We had a good church service last night & I am looking foward to our speaker for Sunday night.
Patrick & I are currently looking at houses...yet again. We have stumbled upon a really good deal that I am very excited about. We have made no offers or definite plans yet, but hopefully soon. I am not going to rush it. I have just put it in God's hands & if he sees fit for us to have a new home right now then that would be GREAT. However, I also know that if it doesnt work out that there is a reason. I have read some really good daily devotionals over the past week & have finally realized that it does not matter how bad I wont something, if it is not in God's plan it wont happen. Everything happens in His time. I am a very impatient (and sometimes controling) person & sometimes its really hard for me to just turn things over to God & let it go. It's a work in progress!
I hope everyone has a blessed week!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Thank you Lord!!

Brayden's visit to the pediatrician yesterday went very well! His hemoglobin level went from 11.8 in June to 12.4 yesterday! YAY! Thank goodness for Pedia-sure & Centrum Kids vitamins! He doesnt eat much & complains of his stomach hurting some. His pediatrician gave me some prevacid to try. Prayerfully this will work & he will start eating more...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My plans for the rest of the week...

My sister-in-law just informed me that I am slacking on my blogging.... I havent had anything overly exciting happen so I will just let everyone know my plans for this week. My mom is in town today so I will spend some time with her this afternoon. Tomorrow is church night. Thursday I am taking Brayden to the pediatrician. When he went for his 3 year check up his iron was a little low so we need to have it rechecked. The child wont eat anything so I'm thinking about having a feeding tube put in while we're there. I know 3 year olds are picky, but he eats barely enough to stay alive. If it wasnt for pedia-sure & vitamins he would get no nutrients. He will eat bananas so I'm glad about that. I'm excited about Friday....Patrick & I are having a date night...all by ourselves! Can you believe that? We NEVER get a babysitter to go out alone. In the past 3 years I think we have gone out by ourselves a total of 4 times...seriously! Saturday evening I have a lingerie shower to attend. I will post again after Brayden's doctor visit to let y'all know how it goes...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Not again.....

I seriously just locked my keys in my car for the 2nd time in 4 days!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Brayden has a stomach bug....

Poor Brayden, he has been sick with a stomach bug since late Saturday night. He threw up all in his bed around 11:30 Saturday night. Patrick had to take his sheets & pj's outside & hose them off. It was obvious he felt bad Sunday morning, but he wasnt throwing up. He wouldn't drink or eat anything & he started throwing up again around 4:00pm & continued until around 11:00pm. We made a trip to the ER, mostly because I thought he was dehydrated. We arrived at 11:30pm & left at 3:45 am! Thankfully, he did not need an IV. He was given some medicine for nausea & checked for strep (his throat was red), but that was negative.... He still wont eat anything, so he really hasnt eaten since Saturday & today is Tuesaday! Please pray that my baby feels better very soon!

You wont believe what I did!!

I locked my keys in my car with it running & Emma in her car seat....seriously!
I called On Star even though I don't have it connected anymore I thought surely they would unlock my car with a child inside. The guy said "m'am, our records show that you canceled your account so we can't unlock the doors for you, would you like me to connect you to 911" Uh.... NO, I don't need an ambulance idiot, I want my car unlocked! He also said "When you get in the car if you'll push the onstar button we'll get your account rstarted" Are you kidding me!!! My 1 year old child is locked in the car & you won't unlock it in a semi-emergency & you think I'm going to pay for your service....uh, that would be a BIG FAT... NO!!!
Buford came & got it unlocked & Emma was fine. It was around 7:00 Sunday evening so I thought it would cost me an arm & a leg, but it was only $45....
If your wondering why I didn't just use the extra key.... My hubby was cutting our grass about a month or so ago. His keys fell out of his pocket & he ran over them with the mower...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Roll Tide!

Today Brayden, Emma & ate lunch with Trey @ the coliseum. Patrick had to work so he was unable to join us :(..... We had a good time. Brayden loves being at Bama!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Memory Loss.....

I think I need some medication! I can't seem to remember anything! I loose my car keys, phone, etc. all the time. I'd probably forget where I put a child if they werent walking around right behind me all the time ;)
If I don't do something the second I think about it, it wont get done. If you ever ask me to do something & say I will will need to remind me about 3,000 times to make sure it gets done!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What did you say?!

You'd be surprised what can come out of a 3 year olds mouth.....
Yesterday while picking Brayden & Emma up from their Pawpaw & Nana's Brayden was being a little huffy. He wanted cookies & I told him no. So he did what any kid would do, he ran & asked Nana... He was told "no" by Nana as well. He didn't like that answer so he got a little loud & said "YES!" I said to him "Brayden, you are not getting cookies right now, please stop being ugly" His response to that was "Well, Mommy, you quit being a b***h" I thought I was going to hit the floor! I didnt respond to him hoping he would never repeat it again! Sometimes if you make a big deal the word sticks more that if you just let it slide. I really try not to let ugly words slip, ecspecially in front of Brayden. I don't know if he heard it from me or somewhere else, but I was a very shocked & it took me a second to register what he said.... Of course, these days you hear worse that that flipping through the tv channels.

Separation Anxiety!!

Ok...Emma has become an attachment to my hip! She walks around right behind me with her arms up for me to pick her up. I love her very much & would love to hold her all day, but I just can't. She cries when I get out of her sight. Patrick had her last night rocking her in our bedroom. I walked in to put the sheets on the bed & she saw me, but I didn't get her right away........ She cried so hard she "tossed her cookies" on both me & her daddy. Everything from the banana & peas she ate for supper to the peach yogurt she had for her snack..... I'm hoping this phase passes very quickly.. I think she's starting to hurt ther daddy's feelings....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Getting a little more sleep....

Emma has finally started letting me sleep in...well , a little. The past 2 weekends we have slept until 9:30!! I know thats not really late, but when you have a 3 year old & a 1 year old it's a miracle to get to stay in the bed past daylight ;) We were even late for church last Sunday. Emma is usually my alarm clock & we're up by 7:30. Boy was I surprised last Sunday when I rolled over & the clock said 9:20...Church starts at 10:30. Patrick works on Sunday's so I am on my own getting myslef, Brayden & Emma ready for church. We were about 30 minutes late & it was pouring rain....I got a little aggrevated & church was exactly where I needed to be!

Friday, August 29, 2008

First time blogger...

I have decided to start blogging since it seems to be so popular. I am going to try to do it more than twice a year.....but I make no promises...;)